Cappadocia Apple Church

Cappadocia Apple Church

 Apple Church is a spectacular church in Cappadocia, Turkey, rich in history. With its architecture and bewildering frescos, Apple Church is one of the artistically most advanced churches. The construction of this edifice dates back to the 11th century just like the other churches nearby like the resembling Sandal Church and Dark Church. The building is thought to be part of a larger monastery or an abbey at the epoch.

 The Apple Church principally features eye-catching frescos on its meticulously curved walls and nine domes propped up on four main pillars. The frescos and paintings generally depict Jesus’ last supper, his crucifixion, burial, ascension to heaven, and many more related things that bear a theological value. Even though the facade has been eroded, and its dyes flaked away a long time ago, the Church reached the present day by resisting the malignant effects of the external world.


 The historic Church is around 11 km(7 miles) east of Nevşehir, in the vicinity of some other historic monuments, and natural beauties such as Love Valley, Pigeon Valley, and the fairy chimneys of Three Beauties. Located only one kilometer Southeast of Göreme downtown, you may easily visit this astonishing sanctuary through Müze Caddesi(Street of Museum).

Thank you for reading.

Batuhan "Athel" AZELOĞLU


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